Public computers for schools, libraries, service centers or hotels.-Instant language change at login, choice of more than 50 languages
-Perfectly adjustable what the user can and may do
-Privacy at its best when surfing, compatible with EU GDPR legislation
-Very easy and simple computing with large desktop icons (such as WinU)
-Low consumption and investment.
-Daily, monthly or annual usage statistics.
-Adjustment option for the visually impaired.
-Set from desktop links to subscriptions and cookies.
-Usb-stick data copy possibility + printing (with or without quota)
-Erasing user data after every logout
-With printing, there is still the option of emailing the prints ecologically.
-Easy program to create or remove temporary or permanent shortcuts
-With or without print management.
-Timed logout: automatic logout of user after certain time (with warning)
-Automatic logout after a certain period of inactivity (with warning)
- No interaction needed from the librarian / responsible person.
-Very easy setting of websites blocking.
-No maintenance and noiseless with very low electricity consumption (10 to 50W)
-Automatic start-up and shutdown of the PC according to set opening hours of the library (24 / 24-7 / 7)
-Continuous connection for maintenance and adjustments.
-Id reader in keyboard + usb dock for sticks + headphones
-Wired internet or wifi
-Id passport registration also possible.
Intel I3 nuc 8gb ram or Asus Amd ryzen mini-pc + 240gb ssd.