Linux-mint Installatie pack Nederlands
* Bpost disk:

Linux-Mint Doe-Het-Zelf installatiepack.

Alles wat nodig is om zelf linux-mint te installeren op uw computers.

- Linux-mint installatie DVD (linux-mint xfce)

- Linux-mint installatie Usb (installatiekeuzes: linux-mint cinnamon, mate of xfce)

- Ubuntu/Linux-mint  handboek (nederlands)

-Libreoffice handboek (nederlands)

 Indien de doe-het-zelf installatie alsnog niet lukt, wordt het installatiepack terugbetaald (na terugsturen) bij aankoop van een nieuwe notebook of pc in onze shop.

Linux-mint Usb installatie stick 16gb
Transport usb stick:

Andere wensen/other requirements/andere Vorraussetzungen/autres exigences(printer, VPN, Encryption...):

Linux-mint  Usb installatie / Live stick 16gb

Om Linux-mint cinnamon/xcfe/kde/mate   te installeren op gewone of uefi bios computers.

Computer of notebook opstarten via usb nodig.




Rescue usb stick
  • Rescue usb stick
  • Rescue usb stick
Transport usb stick:

Andere wensen/other requirements/andere Vorraussetzungen/autres exigences(printer, VPN, Encryption...):

Rescue usb stick bios/uefi for multiple problems.

-Supergrub : boot any os that is on disks, boot with damaged uefi


-Rescatux debian 11: solve boot, disk, grub problems on linux or windows

Click on picture for big image.

rescapp 0.56 main menu

-Systemrescue : rescue operating systems


-Redo Rescue backup & restore linux/windows/mac computers


-Partedmagic: solve harddisk problems, check disks, recover files on deleted or damaged disks


-Rescuezilla: backup & restore computers



 Antivirus Live CD to detect virus on windows computers;


Usb installation stick 16gb
Transport usb stick:

Andere wensen/other requirements/andere Vorraussetzungen/autres exigences(printer, VPN, Encryption...):

Usb installation stick 16gb

To install  (x-l-k-edu) ubuntu , linux-mint or debian on computers with legacy or eufi bios.

You need to start your computer on usb



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